#MakingThingsHappen – #2

Hereโ€™s an update concerning my โ€žI will be burning 1 Million calories in 2020โ€œ project. As mentioned, I wanted more options for exercising after running 2000km in 2019. February was challenging because of least no# days in a month. Additionally I had planned a trip to San Diego, CA for joining a Personal Development event which involved two days on airplanes. I am based in Germany. Therefore my main concern:

4 Days less compared to January for burning 83.000 (minimum) calories and running 100km.

Which brings us to to the topic that makes things happen: motivation. The changed environment in San Diego had a surprisingly strong motivating effect on me. Here are the February numbers:

Both measures are actually better than in January although there was less time available. Burned 2.73% more calories and ran 8,82% more.

What were the motivation points?

Coming from winter in Germany, the San Diego climate offered running outside versus on a treadmill in a gym. The other motivation point was that I could run at the marina which has a beautiful view. And finally, the hotel I was in, was further away from the marina. And this is why I ran more than in January, had a more active month and burned more calories.

In Business and private life: changing the environment from time to time is broadening the view and definitely beneficial

And turning physical activity into a habit definitely leads to a more active and vibrant life and simply feels great too ๐Ÿ™‚
*I have no relationship with Apple other that being a happy customer…

Stepping out of the comfort zone is a fantastic experience for me

For me it is Skydiving what really makes me feel alive…

Talking Business: A motivating environment improves productivity

This is why I redesigned my office last year and turned it into a room where I really want to be
  • More light via a glass door compared to the previous wooden one
  • A new desk that allows adjusting height
  • Some lounge type of furniture
  • A color concept for furniture and design elements