Of course the pandemic is still a huge problem from an economic standpoint and will be for at least another couple of months. However since science is making progress in understanding the virus better the government is able to allow small steps back to normality, positive signals so to say.
One example: the culture scene here is badly hit by the pandemic altogether. However, yesterday we had the first concert after months in our famous concert hall called Elbphilharmonie www.elbphilharmonie.de/en/. Of course it was done in a very careful way. Only 60 instead of 100 artists were part of the orchestra and the audience were just 600 people instead of 2400 as usual. Far from „normal“ but hey, it was a full concert and a step into the right direction!
In times like currently a positive mindset is definitely key. High performing people have a growth mindset. The believe that one can change things, make things better then they currently are. Usually not easy but doable. After defining the desired outcome a plan on how to achieve the outcome is created and executed. The progress that is made makes a difference and is also a big motivation factor.
I‘m convinced that without that kind of planning I would not be a successful Digital Executive and High Performance Coach.
Here’s a quick update on where I’m at concerning my 2020 health goals
Since I’ve accomplished 1000km of running by end of July I was looking for alternative activities as this goal is kind of easy to achieve now. My gym is meanwhile open but still kind of complicated to use. So in August I’ve been running outside
60 km and did additionally 500km of cycling.
This was fun as the weather was as it should be: nice and sunny 🙂
My main focus is now the 1,000,000 cal yearly goal. And my stretched goal of burning 100,000cal per month 😉
I’m proud to report that I’ve have burned
104,756 cal in August or 3379cal per day!

Stay healthy everyone and make a difference!