I’m proud to report that I’ve just re-certified as High-Performance-Coach. It was again a very positive experience: great learning and meeting great people!
Let me talk about High Performance today and why it demands changing habits.
High-performance over the long term requires (among other things) clarity on desired achievements and dreams. Both in business and private life. But also the ability of raising the energy level when needed, master the mindset, cultivate positive thinking and get physiology under control.
The art is is definitely to perform high but still keep well-being and positive relationships. As a C-Level digital executive, I know exactly how difficult that can be.
If you look at high performing people however, you’ll notice that they have a couple of things in common:
- They keep an open mindset – most people would agree to the term „lifelong learning“ but not too many actually do
- They make sure to stay hydrated – The world health organization (WHO) suggests consuming 1 L of water per 30 kg of body weight per day
- They make sure to keep body weight in the normal range as it is a pre-requisite for a healthy, active and happy life
- They make sure to do some physical exercise on a daily basis. The world health organization (WHO) suggests getting out of the pulse of rest for 30min a day. It definitely helps generating energy and supports positive thinking as well
- They make sure to enjoy a healthy nutrition, meaning very little amount of meat and more vegetable and fruit instead
Basically everybody is aware of that but as we all know: common knowledge is not always coming practice unfortunately 😉 Or in other words: personal development is key!
The no# 1 excuse for not moving that I hear from leaders in High Performance Coaching is: “I don’t have time”. The truth is however that it is not a timing but a priority issue!
It definitely feels good to report that as a C- Level digital executive I’m still burning >100,000 cal per month 🙂
As said earlier: It is simply a matter of PRIORITY my friends! 😉 Are you interested in personal growth? If so: Let’s get in touch!

Have a great day and make a difference!