As a C-level executive in software and certified High Performance Coach I’m currently looking for an interesting leadership opportunity in Europe. In this search process I’m of course speaking to a lot of people and notice that many are not as happy as they were earlier, some even seem to be depressed to some degree.
Why is that? Well, we’re in the post pandemic era where businesses were impacted very badly. People lost their jobs, way too many died because of weird beliefs and so on. In Europe, we even have a war going on which dominates the news here since it started. Plus high inflation, and so on.
Unfortunately media’s business is mostly sharing bad news. The reason is that positive news don’t seem to sell that well.
So I was thinking it might be useful if I share my five tips that help me staying a happy person 🙂
1. Start reading something positive every morning and make this a habit.
2. Limit access to social media, allow more positive messages versus haters and bad news. Less TikTok, and more Ted Talks so to say.
3. Establish a physical exercise habit since a morning with lots of endorphins is way better than without. Also, a meditation habit in order to calm you down when necessary or useful.
4. Surround yourself with more high quality people
5. Set goals! Not only in business, but also in private life e.g a measure for activities with the goal of staying healthy
How do you make sure to stay in a positive mood?
Oh and interested in a life with more drive, success and happiness?
Have a great day today and make a difference!